LEMONCHAIN's direction and schedule
2022. 1Q + 2Q
Global crypto-exchange listing
Alliance EcoSystem 1st DApp launching
Hospitals Healthcare Blockchain Network Kick-off
Prescription Diet Recommendation Service
Electronic prescription/ drug delivery service patent
2022. 3Q + 4Q
Hospital reservation service architecture
Telemedicine service
Alliance EcoSystem 2nd DAap lanunching
Healthcare Device Solution launch
Lemoncity Metaverse Prototype launch
2023. 1Q+2Q
Establish blockchain cloud storage
Alliance EcoSystem 3rd DApp launching
Healthcare NFT Whitepaper launch
2023. 3Q+4Q
3rd Party Network support
Global AI healthcare solution development
Disclosure of Healthcare NFT Offline Partner
Hospitals Healthcare Blockchain Network launch
Global Pharmaceutical Company, Clinical Research Institute PoC
Global PHR DApp 1차 open
AI-based 100 Q&A Service launch
2024. 1Q+2Q
AI healthcare solution development
Global PHR DApp 2nd Advanced launch
Global healthcare data integration platform development
Metaverse platform alpha open
Disclosure of Healthcare NFT Governance DAO System
Global hospital platform integration solution development
Digital Therapy (DTX) Service Connectivity Platform launch
Metaverse platform beta open
Global launch of AI healthcare solutions
2024. 3Q+4Q
Global healthcare data integration platform launch
Global hospital platform integration solution launch
Healthcare Big Data Statistics & Search Services launch
Metaverse platform development
Healthcare Data Marketplace launch
Gene NFT Exchange launch
Metaverse Wallet launch
Metaverse platform official version released
Pet Cloud Infrastructure Platform Interworking
Last updated